Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Harry Woodsman and his family lived alone in a vast land. Harry was free to hunt, fish and do anything he wanted in this unpopulated country.
As time went on the property south to Harry’s land was purchased and another family settled into the area. Harry didn’t care because he would still hunt, fish and relieve himself in the woods without a worry.

A few years later another family bought the property to Harry’s north. The area became attractive to young families. All of the surrounding properties around Harry’s land were purchased and many families settled the entire region.

One day Harry was out hunting when he spotted a large buck. Harry was very excited as he carefully aimed his gun and fired. Harry was not a good shooter, he missed the deer but accidently shot the neighbors dog that was sitting in his own back yard.

The neighbor complained about his dead dog. Harry simply said, I have my rights to do anything I want on my property so go stick it!

Harry's southern neighbor was getting foul odors coming from Harry’s property. He observed one day that Harry and his large family were relieving themselves right on their property line, which was down wind from his house. The neighbor called on Harry to complain about this nasty problem. Harry’s response was pretty much what he said to his northern neighbor. He also added that he was not going to change their latrine location because he did not want to be down wind from it.

Harry and his clan were nudist and went around bare ass all the time. They would sit around on their lake front property naked as Jaybirds. The neighbors living on that lake were outraged. Harry gaved them the finger.

At the trading post, a neighbor named Jake overheard a woman complaining to her husband about Harry’s nudity in front of the children. He excused himself and asked, are you folks having problems with Harry Woodsman. The couple was hesitant to complain but finally the wife said. I don’t like Harry waving his penis at the children. Jake told them about his dead dog.

Still another neighbor was listening to Jake tell his story when he chimed in, that must be Harry Woodsman, he is driving us crazy. Apparently Harry and his group like to party. They have drums, trumpets and banjos and they drink, dance, scream and laugh all night till they drop.

Now these four neighbors have a crowd gathering around them, each telling of their encounters with Harry Woodsman. Finally Jake got up on the counter and called everybody to his attention and said, we need to organize. Thus government was created.

There are close to 400 million people living in the United States. The vast majority are neighbors. The notion that we must have less government is a quaint, nostalgic draw back to the days when we would all shit in the woods.

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